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Yashul shook her head. “I do not, and that ignorance is of my own will. It is wise not to be too involved with the workings of the Fae and its lords and ladies. But I will not leave you without some direction, nor did Mealla, for she bound each of her keys to a fairy door leading to another key’s location. If you find the door this key opens, you can find the next one. She didn’t say anymore on the subject than that, and I did not inquire further. However, knowing the day would come when I gave away my key, I searched for an item that can help you.”

And with those words, she reached again into her basket and pulled out a simple, brass compass. It was quite an ordinary thing, with a ring on one side to put it on a chain and no engravings or embellishments to please the eye. It had only one notable feature; in the center of its lid was a keyhole.

“This,” said the elf, “I obtained on my own, so I may do with it as I see fit. I give it to you, child, as part of my blessing, as a guide.”

Eibhlin took the compass and turned it over in her hand, opened it, and looked it over completely. Save for the keyhole, it really seemed to be an ordinary compass. “How can this guide me?” she asked.

Yashul answered, “The compass is enchanted. It can direct you to any lock or door so long as you have the key. Place the key in the compass’s keyhole, turn it, and the compass shall point you on your way.”

Cautiously, Eibhlin took the fairy key and slipped it into the keyhole. She turned it and heard a chiming click, and suddenly a golden orb of light burst from the compass. It rose up and shot away like a firefly trailed by a thin ribbon of light. In her surprise, Eibhlin dropped the compass.

“Now, open it,” said Yashul.

Picking up the compass again, Eibhlin opened its lid and saw the compass needle glowing and pointing in the direction the light had gone.

“Follow the needle’s light, and it shall lead you to its door,” said Yashul.

“And that door will lead to the next key?”

The lady nodded. “It shall at least be close to where you might find the key.”

“Thank you! I’m in your debt,” said Eibhlin.

“The compass is a gift, child. There is no need for repayment,” said Yashul. Then her smile faded, and the lady’s voice grew grave. “And now, Lady Eibhlin, dear child, since you now have the key, you must be on your way at once.”

“What?” said Eibhlin. “Why? Can’t I leave in the morning? Shira and Elkir have been working so hard to help me. I have to at least show them that I have the key!”

The lady’s sadness showed even clearer. “No, child. You must leave at once. You must never tell another breathing soul, whether mortal or otherwise, from whom you received the key. This is a requirement from me for taking my key.”

“But why?” cried Eibhlin.

“Being someone who holds Mealla’s trust can be dangerous if it is known by the wrong persons,” Yashul replied, and she would say no more.

“Can’t I at least say goodbye to Shira and Elkir?” said Eibhlin.

The lady leaned in, tears gathering in her eyes, and took Eibhlin in her arms. “Dear child, you mustn’t tarry any longer! Even just one day’s delay could make your journey harder than you can bear. I have your belongings here. There’s no time for goodbyes, no time for proper farewells. You must be on your way.”

Eibhlin hated what was being said to her, but she had promised to do as she was told, and she had faced enough broken promises to want to avoid breaking any herself, so she climbed out of bed. The light of the compass felt much colder now. She dressed, and the two made their way through the house, past the family bedrooms and the destroyed bath and to the door. They were in the main sitting room, heading for the door, when a thrumming voice called out to them.

“Would you be so gracious as to tell me where you might be going so late at night and so heavily burdened?” it said. It was the kithara, Melaioni. It sat on a chair, its brown wood reflecting soft silver and blue.

“Curious, Messenger of History, Collector of Stories?” replied Yashul.

“It is my nature, milady, the purpose for which I was made,” said Melaioni.

Yashul smiled softly. “Yes, and for your fulfillment of that purpose, you are the most noble of instruments. However, that is a question whose answer I am forbidden to tell any but the one who must receive it.”

“Very well. Then I shall not ask again. But if you will not grant me that boon, perhaps you would grant me another?” said the instrument.

“Ask, and we shall see.”

“I wish to go with the girl,” said Melaioni.

“With me?” Eibhlin asked. “Why?”

The instrument replied, “Why, to record your story, of course. My master is dead. Though I mourn, he shall never come for me. No… he shall never come. Yet I must not stay here, for it is my purpose to find and bring the histories of the world to all who will listen. I can see by the key around your neck that your story is not confined to the Mortal Realm, and long has it been since I have observed such a song in its making. Let me accompany you, milady, that I might witness myself the outcome of your journey, whether good or ill.”

Eibhlin hesitated. “It would be wise,” Yashul said to her, “to take Melaioni. It knows the world and its events better even than the elves. It could give you advice and company on your road.”

There was no arguing her ignorance of the world, and the thought of company, even in the form of a talking instrument, sounded encouraging, so Eibhlin agreed. She took up the bulky instrument and found it lighter than she had thought, and warmth pulsed through it as though it were a living creature rather than an enchanted tool. She slung the kithara’s leather straps onto her shoulders and found the warm presence already comforting.

Yashul said, “And now we must separate. I wish you fortune and speed. I do not wish you safety, for the path you have chosen holds many dangers, but I pray you may pass through your trials unharmed regardless. And know this: should you find the other keys and wish to return here, use all three keys on any fairy door and turn them each one full circle. They shall open the way to their doors, and you can find your way back to us. Now go, Eibhlin. I have delayed you too long already. Dawn comes swiftly.”

Yashul kissed Eibhlin’s forehead again, and they parted with tears in their eyes. And so Eibhlin left the comfort and rest of the elves, following the needle’s light toward the door to the second key.

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Fairy Door

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V. A. Boston
After years of neglect from her father, Eibhlin has had enough. But when a purse of infinite gold, a fairy, and a trade shatter what little relationship she has with her father, she resolves to set things right. Aided by a magic compass and a talking instrument, she now seeks three magic keys and their magic doors to find the fairy once again and recover what was lost. She broke their relationship. Now, she’ll brave the Fae to fix it. If she can get there. From the fantasy tradition of The Chronicles of Prydain and The Hobbit comes a tale of love and redemption perfect for fans of all ages.
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