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Lesson 5: United With Evil

Dear readers, I have been through many… so very many Sunday Schools and curriculums meant for youths learning the Bible. I can recite their usual plotting dry retelling of the Old testament in my sleep. All of them managed to ignore, twist, cherry pick, and suck the life out of the work. A watered down female patronizing soup meant to anger no one, and offend even less than nothing. One story in particular that I find was always glossed over in favor of the spectacle of the Flood or the calling of Abraham was the Tower of Babel.

For most of you who have been raised in Christian and “Christian” homes I’m sure you felt similar to me when I was a child first reading these stories. It’s just another narrative about a bunch of rubes who thought they could beat God who’s plans were thwarted when their languages were confused. That’s it. Finished, and done. Maybe the teacher makes you draw a picture of a tower or if you're lucky, or unlucky from my childhood perspective, you have a proactive one who has you use origami to make a 3d version of the structure and that’s that. Another rebellion crushed. Time to move on.

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Recognize this? Yes, the UN parliament building, specifically a poster advertising the structure. Now here is a picture of a ziggerate or the style of tower that is suspected by scholars to be what the Tower of Babel would have been shaped as.

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Isn’t that odd. Why would the United Nations take on the symbol of an ancient rebellion against God after the great flood? The more astute of you will probably already know what I’m hinting at. It’s in their very title. United Nations. United against God.

That might be a stretch for some, but let’s not forget the kind of art work those at this celebrated institution commision:

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This is a sculpture depicting a beast right out of Revelations which was in front of the UN building for a short time. You don’t just make a beast like that. The legacy of the rebellion at Babel still haunts humanity to this day which shouldn’t surprise us.

We and our creator are at war, and not at war with just anyone, but an immortal being said to be the “most bright of stars” (Isaiah 14:12). He was going to continue his war and rebellion no matter how many times his followers and children are wiped from the face of the Earth. So we see the hint of what Vox Day refers to as the Empire that Never died. An empire that exists in the shadows of our histories subverting God’s will, and trying to recreate Babel all over again.

What is the big deal with Babel anyway? Afterall, the rebellion failed. Though this is true, even God was impressed with what they had accomplished, evil though it was:

Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth.”

And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of man had built.

And the LORD said, “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them.

Come, let us go down and there confuse their language, so that they may not understand one another’s speech.”

So the LORD dispersed them from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city.

Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of all the earth. And from there the LORD dispersed them over the face of all the earth.

Genesis 11:4-9

This isn’t God praising them anymore than the Jews seeing the Roman earth ramps rising steadily to their walls expressing amazement. This is what has our enemy so focused on this rebellion. It was the closest to succeeding and turning all of Humanity against The Almighty and the Kingdom of Heaven. As God says himself “Nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them.” A chilling statement given the express goals of our enemies littered throughout our culture from the anti reality police in the tranny movements to the mass human sacrifice edifice both in abortion and their hideaways such as Epstein Island or Bohemian Grove. No wonder they’re so obsessed with the Tower of Babel given how close the strategy came to gaining all their twisted desires. 

The enemies of God and of his servants are like washed out football kickers who almost won the superbowl. They’re fixed at that moment in time. The mere possibility of victory so tantalizingly close wrenched from their hands makes them desperate to emulate it. We see in history attempts to remake the Tower of Babel or the Unity of Man against God again and again. And they will succeed one day. God declared as much in Revelations. Only when that happens the Day of the Lord will come, and judgment will fall on the rebellious nations of mankind and the god of this world, that old red dragon.

The Tower of Babel incident plays directly into our modern world, and into our lives. Think about the amount of media, especially in Sci Fi, that has the UN or a fictional often space faring version of the UN as the “good guys.” As perhaps ineffective or corrupt, but with moral lofty ideals. Media which has idealized uniting with evil, and rebelling against God. Also, clearly not an accidental theme.

This is one of the major problems with the “peace and love” hippie dippie kind of Christianity. We are at war. Making peace with an enemy set on destroying us only ensures that we don’t fight them when they come to wipe us off the face of the earth. Making peace with God’s enemies unites you with evil, and thus with rebellion against God. This is why one way or another, you will pick a side. If you try to walk the line between the light of heaven and the fires of hell then you have already fallen into the pit because the devil never plays fair. He will drag you to Hell with him by force the second you stop fighting him, and lose the protection of God.

Think about an occupied town during war. Let’s say the city is reacquired by her rightful owners. Are the collaborators, and those who refused to resist the occupying force going to be viewed in a positive light by the liberating army? No. In fact throughout most of human history we can see that such men are labeled traitors and treated as such. You are on occupied territory, and your King has called you to resist and fight. He will call us all to account when he takes his wayward creation back. You best be ready for when he inevitably reclaims the city.

Given the state of the late stage American Empire I don’t think anyone with a discerning mind can argue with the results of peace with evil in the form of the “tolerance” cult. Tolerance of evil only leads to evil degrading, conquering, and corrupting your culture and nation. The United States went from a strong capable Christian nation to a mockery of itself in less than a century. This is the fate of all nations that give in to the legacy of the Tower of Babel. The Hidden Empire of the dragon and beast destroyes everything good it touches.

If you value the Beautiful and True then resistance against evil is a must unless you wish to see your nation despoiled and destroyed within a generation or two. As I said in the intro. What will your choice be modern man? Oblivion through corruption or active war against evil?

We’ll explore the implications of the Tower of Babel on the biblical narrative in the next lesson. For now remember that what’s in the Bible will play out in your own life and be meaningful to you if you bother to pay attention to the scriptures.

Question 1: Why do you think our enemies are obsessed with making a new Tower of Babel if God has already declared this would trigger his judgment of the world in Revelations?

Question 2: In the Star Trek universe the world is united in a mono government which leads to a time of exploration and riches for Earth pushing the trope of humanity unifying and stretching into the Heavens. Unifying against God. Can you list other popular franchises with similar themes?

Live stream Monday, at 10:00 pm EDST. Click the boat below to watch the previous stream and click here to join the discord:

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The Warrior’s Path: Sunday School Lessons for Young Men

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The Warrior’s Path is a Sunday School curriculum for young men and new converts striving to find their way in the sea of Churchian false Christianity. A tool for boys to grow into their fathers’ faith, and for young Christians to find their place in the Kingdom of Heaven.
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