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 And Then There Were Giants panel 1

Lesson 4: And Then There Were Giants

Now we approach the part of the story that Churchians gloss over or ignore altogether jumping ahead to the Flood and animals coming onto the Ark with nebulous hints at how immoral man was so God killed him off with a global flood. As usual, when you wash out all of the spiritual and wild parts of the Bible you make the entire narrative nonsensical. We go from Eden to the Fall to the first murder to the whole world needing to be destroyed in a blur which makes God seem spiteful, and that is the point.

God’s immortal, for now, enemies have fashioned the lies about him in culture and in the watered down, overly feminized churchian zeitgeist we content within our various denominations and congregations. Not everything they do is a perfect plan of inversion, but because they have generations of planning on their side we shouldn’t be surprised when long term stratagems of the enemy bare twisted but effective fruit in unforeseen ways. Just remember as we study the tactics of our enemies that our Father in Heaven has beaten them at their own game to the point of hilarious embarrassment. There is a reason why they hate you, Christ your savior, and your protector in Heaven so thoroughly. We’ll get to all that soon enough.

In the case of the Churchian culture, or modern fake christianity, this heresy was fashioned to push men toward atheism, animism, various false spiritualist philosophies, and Buddhism in particular while making those who stay nominally “christian” as useless in spiritual warfare as possible. If we look at it as psychological warfare we can see an obvious generational move to neuter God’s followers on Earth. The Flood account is just another one of these moments that the principalities of darkness use to subvert the Biblical narrative by overly simplifying or feminizing the text to make it more appetizing to those uncomfortable with the Lord’s judgment and ostracize those with strong moral standards.

When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.” 

The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown. 

The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the LORD regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. So the LORD said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them.”

 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.

Genesis 6:1-8

As a boy I often wondered what a world corrupted to the point the evil justified the complete slaughter of every man, woman, and child on Earth would look like. This seemed overly harsh to my young mind, and a more impressionable youth might have let that be a starting point toward the path of tolerance or even atheism itself. With modern events as an adult I can see where God is coming from on simple moral level. There seems to be a point of no return in society where the world is in such lockstep that no amount of change is possible from the few who disagree with the majority. However, young minds don’t work that way. One only has to look at the army of smug atheists who derive most of their beliefs from their youth to see that. A mind is formed, and an identity is formed from the roiling emotions and passions.

Atheists for all their bluster about science seem to always come back to a central idea. God is a horrible being who allows or even causes all the suffering on Earth, and thus hate him and those who follow him. Ironic that they hate which they claim does not exist. I, for example, despise Gollum in Lord of the Rings, but that doesn’t lead me to insult every fool who finds his story tragic rather than obnoxious. Like it or not Atheists as a whole have a childish spirit of rebellion which is always yelling at God for being psychopathic.

In fairness to them the Churchian false faith makes God appear as a nutcase holding the world in a coliseum of death and suffering. The Flood is one of these events that is used as a cultural bludgeon against God and Christians alike. Of course they snicker at the idea of a global flood, even as their own darlings in the science realm declare proof of all consuming disasters from ages past in the Earth itself, or the concept of putting two of every animal in a single boat, even as they claim every animal came from a single mutation so many eons ago, but their real issue is with the flood at all. How dare God destroy the world because people weren’t doing exactly what he said? 

Again, these days we see a glimpse of just what the nightmare world overrun by freaks would look like. However there will be generations who have not seen what the Devil and his freaks would turn the world into if no good men protected and driven by God apposed him. For there sakes it’s imperative that we not only pass the knowledge down, but also clarify every aspect of the Flood. Tainted blood lines being used as a bioweapon against the Prophecies of The Almighty as proposed by Dr. Heiser in his book.

The Nephilim (Giants) were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown. 

I don’t have time to waste wringing my hands on the various theories the modern “tolerant” theologians have come up with to explain away these Sons of God who were mixed with women to create giants, and other things not mentioned in the text.

Genesis makes things clear. Divine beings of God’s Heavenly Host rebel against him, and intermingle with human women creating giants and powerful beings of old which leads to man falling astray from God so thoroughly that none follow him but Noah and his family. The question I want to explore is whether or not the creation of giants by the rebellious Sons of God is just a side note in the text, or is this connected to what led to the collapse of the morality of man which made the Flood necessary.

I would argue a direct connection implied in the text. We could include works like the First Book of Enoch to add more detail supporting the claim, but let’s stick only to the Bible in these lessons at least until you have more of a foundation to face the wilder side of the world God created. For now let’s look at the rebellious sons of God who came and made their offspring. 

These “giants” are at odds with the will of the Almighty at every turn in the Bible from Goliath to Og to the giant clans in Palestine marked for destruction by God. Most of you have heard of Goliath. I'd wager a larger percentage of you my dear readers have never heard of the Giant Og who scholars constantly ring their hands about desperately attempting to downplay the implied size and weight of the 10 to 13 foot tall giant killed by Moses (Deuteronomy 3). We can also go through various myths and mythologies of the world to find a theme of villainy attached to giants from Jack and the Beanstalk, to the cyclops in Greek Mythology or even to the original wendigo stories of massive demonic cannibalistic giants who drove you to insanity in your sleep. Humanity seems to have a collective memory of our age old enemies. The rival colonists here to take the inheritance of man, and deny the Kingdom of Heaven.

Remember what we said instigated the rebellion in the Garden of Eden by the divine rebel in Genesis, the serpent. Man was created to take possession over the Earth and creation. What was God’s strategy to complete this task? Having man multiply over the face of the Earth and subdue it and take dominion over creation to bring all into the Kingdom of Heaven like the idyllic garden.

The enemies of God saw his plan, and thought the idea was a good one. So good in fact that they decided to emulate it while sabotaging the Lord’s own attempts to implement the battle plan with mankind. Giants and the half angelic bloodlines were the children of “gods”, not the Almighty, sent into the earth to take possession of it, to subdue it, and take dominion over creation. To take our inheritance and birthright for themselves, and thus for their unholy parentage the rebellious sons of God.

These freakish offspring quickly moved to conquer and spoil the earth as can be seen in history of various peoples of the time and of course the Bible itself with most of the original kings from the ancient past claiming to be descendants of the “gods”, Pharoh included which we will be getting to in a later lesson, and as we read earlier:

The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown. 

Genesis 6:4

A treacherous but ballsy move. After all, to fulfill his will God cannot destroy mankind, but at the sametime if he doesn’t act then all of man will be polluted by the blood of these rebellious gods which would eventually through propagation make the seed of Adam and Eve nonexistent with whatever remnant left being firmly under the thumb of the giants and rebellious gods like when the Isrealites were enslaved in Egypt. Essentially, nearly bred man out of existence much like most of the Native American tribes were destroyed in the Americas, or the original celtic inhabitants of the British Isles.

If there is no true offspring or descendants of Eve untainted by blood of rebellious gods then God’s prophecy about a savior coming from Eve’s line to crush the serpent's head cannot come to pass. God of course won’t let his will be subverted, and so washes the civilizations of giants and other freaks being propped up by their unholy sugar daddies from the face of the earth in a massive flood. Noah and his family are spared to preserve the prophecy against the divine rebel. Things are essentially back to square one. God hasn’t so much changed the game as much as flipped the board and slapped his opponents so hard they ran screaming home to mama whining like a Jew in a bar fight he started. But like any stubborn brood of gammas, especially immortal ones, they always come back when you least expect it. Like spiritually motivated foot fungus.

So all of these things are hidden from the majority of Christians thanks to the heretical cult of modern Churchianism. God in their world just murders the entire world in a story illustrated by cutsie characters in Sunday School. Not a battle of will and bloodlines for dominance of the physical world. A world in total rebellion, a place we see glimpses of on the horrific Epstien island or in Drag Queen Story hour in our preschools, and if that is just a taste we all shudder at what the pre flood earth looked like. 

The war of course doesn’t end with the Flood and the destruction of the original Nephilim civilizations that dominated man. The Enemy is tenacious, and thus the ride never ends. So next week we will explore the next rebellion. The Tower of Babel.

Question 1: There are many scholars who shy away from the idea of Giants being actually “Giant” rather than just taller than the average man. Why do you think theologians and Biblically minded historians, Dr. Hieser included, are terrified of the more mythical sounding elements of the Bible?

Question 2: What’s a giant story you’ve heard about in a culture outside of Christian circles? Do they have any themes that remind you of the Biblical take on the Nephilim Giants?

Question 3: If the rebellious watchers mixed themselves with man, did they mix themselves with anything else on Earth? After all depictions of Anubis and medieval drawings of demons are shown to have heads of animals and bodies of men. Can you think of any modern myths, and urban legends with similar entities?

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The Warrior’s Path: Sunday School Lessons for Young Men

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The Warrior’s Path is a Sunday School curriculum for young men and new converts striving to find their way in the sea of Churchian false Christianity. A tool for boys to grow into their fathers’ faith, and for young Christians to find their place in the Kingdom of Heaven.
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