"Cross+Word" is a graphic novel set in a world where names hold intrinsic power, and those who know their true names wield extraordinary abilities. The story follows Noel, a Catholic high school student, whose quiet life is disrupted when he is attacked by Victor, an antagonist influenced by the Voices, who believes in his divine mandate to purge idolatry and is motivated by his hatred for Catholics. Despite their initial conflict, Noel and Victor become friendly rivals who cooperate in a greater plot concerning the fate of the world.
Noel: A strong but reluctant hero who values peace and obedience to divine will over glory. His power, “NO,” allows him to negate other abilities, making him a formidable but passive force. He also possesses the power of intercessory prayer, allowing him to call upon the blessings of saints to augment his strength.
Victor: A proud and powerful antagonist with a deep-seated hatred for Catholics due to his upbringing. His abilities include the Solas, culminating in the devastating “Sola Christus.”