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mandatory recording | autostart | reason: inter-agency meeting in clean zone | office 00-A

.start transcript

Miller, and uh, Anderson, isn’t it? From the upstairs FBI Violent Crimes Task Force.

Thanks for meeting with us. It’s just Sarah and Carl—we’ve met before on the range. I knew you had an office here; I didn’t know it was on the Secret Squirrel floor.

Yes, my part-time windowless den of gloom and cyber.

That security is something else. I was half expecting Bruno to ask for a stool sample.

Most of it is to prevent your electronics from getting auto-hacked. We got a bit tired of buying everybody new phones when some bug in our sniffer bricked them.

Sarah is very fond of her iPhone, so that’s good. It’s like her pet cat.

Says the man who texts like a teenage girl.

The girls call it snappn or insta. Text is now old school.

There you go again, alluding that I’m old. Speaking of old, Daniel says you did us a big solid at the Chief’s house. We got a few questions about that.

Oh, it’s going to be one of those interviews.

You would not believe the heat on this one.

I can imagine.

Although there is not enough heat to expand the Seattle Violent Crimes department with more than two special agents.

Ouch. You two are it? For Seattle?

Daniel has more budget than we do, and he’s just a geek with a gun.

Hey, he’s a family man. And nice. Unlike you. Anyway, this is less of an interview and more of an SOP. So, let’s start with who you are. You’re a DoD Cyber dude, right? What is that, exactly?

To be blunt, the fun parts are classified, although, by the cell coverage maps of Bremerton, Whidbey Island, and JBLM on the wall, you can guess I’m involved with protecting our, um, spicier hardware. One example would be bad actors using hacks through the internet.

Wha? I thought the spicy military stuff was all on a closed network.

Yeah, but the people aren’t exclusive to that net. Everyone’s on the internet, like your iPhones. Get it?

Ooh. So, you’re into the cool stuff at DISA.


Defense Information Systems Agency.

Got it. I would look it up on my phone, but the guard pretending to be a receptionist took it.

But one time, I saw you in a police uniform.

Gah, it's the annual uniform inspection day. My boss does it to make fun of me. I’m also a sworn officer, technically a Special Agent of the Defense Criminal Investigative Service under the Deputy Inspector General for Investigations.

Ah, that’s why I always see you doing qualifications on the range.

So, we’re all special here.

Almost as special as Sarah’s range scores.


Not to white knight, but she’s hell on wheels with the M4 and MP5.

Bah. What I really want for duty carry is a nickel-plated sissy gun, but that’s verboten.

All the cool toys are.

So, back to SOP, how do you know Bryce Taylor?

Both through church and my wife’s old job. Bryce and Stephanie worked out of the same Sheriff's office.

Which one?

Sammamish—the sheriff provides the town with police services.

Your wife was a Sheriff's Deputy?

Yeah, after our youngest turned sixteen and didn’t need to be driven around anymore, she went to Burien and then specialized in S&R.

Becoming LEO at her age must have been a big stretch. Commendable.

I wasn’t enthused about it, but she had a visionary plan to revamp S&R using a specialized dog breed, and in King County, the Sheriff does a lot of the S&R. It was going to be a direct partnership.

You said, ‘old job.’

During COVID, she was forced out for telling the Chief he was retarded for making everyone mask and vax. Like, two days after her probation period was over. Sheriff Maxie didn’t back her play, and that was that. She left, and since she designed and paid for the dog, she took him with her.

Oh, I like her.

Pish. I told her she could get away with not vaxing, and would a mask really damage her pride? Union rules protected her. She called me retarded, too.

Girl Power!

Sad, really. She loved tromping in the wilderness with her tracking dog, and Sammamish loved having a cute, albeit older, woman with a handsome dog on all the websites.

Insert some joke about telling a stubborn woman what to do.

Don’t look at me when you say things like that, Buster.

So, Bryce called you when Daniel said there were anomalies at the Chief’s house?

Bryce just went up and got me rather than calling. Yeah, Steph’s designer tracking dog and I went to the Chief’s house.

What did you find?

A bunch of nothing.

Tell us about it.

I brought a field kit, ran a big sweep, and came up with bupkis. On one hand, Daniel was right—two separate camera systems, one CCT old school, go offline simultaneously. On the other hand, several UPS connected to computers, noting a power surge and a brownout. Daniel believed that it was connected to the girl’s disappearance.

Do you have criminal investigation training?

Kinda. Only as it pertains to cyber crimes. But crime is a misnomer. “We,” as in the we with quote marks, consider the cyber, uh, issues, a form of warfare. So, while this skirts the edge of Classified, I have federal police powers mainly to reduce the time it takes to locate red hats on American soil. I’m a Guy-in-the-Chair, not a Field-Bro.

Red hats?

Sorry, Red Hat is DISA-speak for hackers that go after military infrastructure or people.

OK. Did your wife come along with you?

No, she was in Bellevue at a nerdy game con with the kids, followed by the mandatory-or-she-will-skin-you-alive Mom and Boys’ dinner.

So, what happened after Daniel found the spaceship drawing and babysitter?

I was the one who found it. To me, it seemed off. Like, creepy off. Daniel immediately zeroed in on the grooming aspect of it.

Daniel is a really smart dude. That’s exactly what it was.

Yeah, he knows a surprising amount of domain in everyone’s department. What did the Chief and Bryce do after Daniel showed them the drawing?

I got the impression Daniel was running the show. Everyone had been up for, like, 24 hours or something. He told the Chief to dispatch a detective to talk to the babysitter. Bryce wanted to go, but the Chief sent him home to sleep. I then packed up my stuff and went home.

All right. I’m curious—as a lifetime fed, what did you think of everything at that point?

I was legit creeped out.

Like how?

I wasn’t sure what was going on, but after I saw that drawing, I wanted to go home and shower. And to think she really was kidnapped. Then, someone blows up the mansion and the babysitter’s shop with an upstairs apartment. I’m still creeped out—it’s like a bad 90s horror movie coming to life.

Just between you and us, and only because this will hit the news soon—the babysitter and her family were not in the apartment when it all went up.

Holy crap. What an absolute crap fest this is.

We’re guessing they high-tailed it to the mansion after the detective interview. And “crap fest” aren’t the words I would use, but close.

Do you have any insight on why Bryce would not talk to us?

What? Why would he not do that?

We don’t know. I know you guys aren’t close friends, but anything can help.


You can tell us anything; we’re on Bryce’s side because there isn’t a side. It looks like Bryce uncovered a child sex trafficking ring among the rich folks. This needs to end with rich folks in jail.

Assuming any are left after that explosion. And they need to rot in prison, not a quick death.

Bryce is a bit of an Alpha, yeah? So he’s not afraid of any alphabet boys. And if he isn’t talking, it’s because he doesn’t trust you—you as the government. Us. He’s a pretty smart dude. Maybe he saw something in the mansion that changed his worldview beyond the creepy child sex crime aspect of it.

Oh, he saw something, alright. Like PTSD and not just from plugging bad guys “saw something.” I tried to talk to him on that aspect, and he brushed me off, but he’s obviously traumatized. I feel bad for him.

How does that work, anyway? I thought refusing to talk to the FBI was itself a crime.

Oh, he’ll see us anytime we ask. And he brings along his lawyer. Some 6’6” dude that probably slurps roid for breakfast. And he and his lawyer plead the Fifth, and ex-SF-Lawyer-Man sits there like he’s contemplating throwing down just for fun.

I tried telling him that he can help us unravel this network, but yeah, It’s obvious he doesn’t trust anybody.

Do you want me to talk to him? I might be able to convince him to cooperate.

Tempting, but his lawyer will take any sworn officer speaking to him, active or even inactive, as a violation of this, that, and the other thing. We have enough trouble as it is.

Ah, you’re right. Got it.

We don’t have any more questions—here’s our cards.

Hey, I’m lining up to retire with a double pension, and my civilian work has paid off in spades—let’s go to Dukes for lunch—my treat.

Oh man, the Dukes oyster burger. We’re so in. Right? We’re in?

Let’s have a couple of rounds and not talk about kid crimes or conspiracy theories coming true. Let’s talk about—guns.

My second favorite topic!

What’s the first?

That would be God.

What, your wife?


.end transcription | tags: fbi.anderson disa.francisco fbi.miller criminal investigation | deletion date: 09.23.2028

(S2 Interlude) Cyber Warfare Department: Respond in Kind panel 3
The Sword of God series cover
(S2 Interlude) Cyber Warfare Department: Respond in Kind episode cover
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The Sword of God

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A grief-haunted Christian family man with a tragic past receives a mysterious sword. He embarks on a personal crusade against the world’s demonic forces using guns, faith, his tactical doggo, unchained AI, and the blessed blade—but primarily guns. An (Sx) denotes an episode with upgraded artwork--currently in progress for Season 1. God Bless!
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