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Distopian Market panel 1

As he stepped into the brilliantly lit room, an overwhelming symphony of sights and sounds engulfed his senses. Before him was a bustling marketplace, teeming with vibrant life and ceaseless motion. Amidst the swarming crowd, the man halted, briefly closing his eyes to shield himself from the sensory cascade. The vibrant tableau was nearly too much to absorb.

Navigating through the crowd's vibrant jostle, he found it impossible to stifle his emotions. Amidst the shuffle and clamor, collisions, and boisterous outbursts, a solitary tear traced its path down the man's cheek. Strangely, he found an unexpected solace in this chaos, for it marked his first genuine human interaction in half a century.

This marketplace evoked memories of an ancient Asian emporium he used to love, yet it was more than just a single grand bazaar; it appeared to be an amalgamation of distinct markets, partitioned by walls to form individual enclaves. Within each enclosure, an array of goods and services, distinctly different from the others, beckoned to passersby.

The assorted sections he traversed displayed remarkable variety. Initially, domestic wares dominated his view, some bearing unmistakable signs of use. Advancing along the first corridor, rounding a corner, a new segment emerged, predominantly dedicated to foodstuffs. A hunger pang gripped his stomach, a stark reminder of hours without sustenance. The distant memory of a hearty lasagna felt like a dream from the distant past.

Surveying the delectable offerings with ravenous eyes, his attention was seized by a young attendant who regarded him with suspicion. Lacking funds and theft being out of the question, he discreetly retreated, seeking to evade prying gazes and quell his gnawing hunger by changing his path.

Progressing through the expansive venue, he marveled at the constancy of basic human needs over five decades. While certain wares appeared novel, he always recognized their essential nature.

"I guess nobody has invented anything better to wipe with, eh?" he quipped, addressing a young attendant stationed at what appeared to be a booth exclusively dedicated to toilet paper.

"Excuse me," he mumbled, proceeding when met with a stone-cold response from the attendant.

His attention was subsequently drawn by a petite booth, prompting him to approach for a closer inspection. In stark contrast to its surroundings, this booth emanated an air of tidiness and warmth. A desk and chair stood at its center, in front of a holographic poster that advertised detective services. Seated behind the desk was a young woman who maintained an unwavering gaze forward as he drew nearer.

Distopian Market panel 3

"Hello," he initiated...

"Oh!" she exclaimed, her hand darting to touch her glasses. "I apologize; I didn't notice you. How may I assist you?"

"I was just wondering what type of detective services you offer."

"Certainly. Allow me to flick you a list," she said, picking up a compact device and swiping upward while directing it toward the elderly man.

When the device failed to respond, she scrutinized it, then shook it before pointing it at him and executing a broad swiping gesture.

"What is she trying to do?" he wondered.

"I'm sorry, it seems I can't share the list with you," she interjected, interrupting his thoughts. "Do you have some form of blocking on?"

"I'm not sure what you mean, miss. But I was just wondering what kind of detective services you offer."

"I can summarize it for you, I suppose," she pouted, swiping the device toward herself and repeating the peculiar gesture with her glasses. "In essence, we specialize in locating lost or forgotten items, past locations of significance, and reuniting with old acquaintances. Regrettably, this excludes cases involving abductions or theft. Essentially, if you seek something or someone elusive, we find it. Any further questions?"

"Thanks. I do need to find someone. How much does it cost?"

"Typically, about three days."

"No, I meant, how much money?"

Perplexed, she regarded him, clearly struggling to comprehend. "Money? I'm afraid I don't understand. Our practice involves you providing us with the target of your search, and only then we tell you how many days payment it will cost."

"You lost me, but never mind, I'll have to come back. Thanks for your time."

Turning to leave, the young woman shrugged, touched her glasses, and stared ahead, seemingly forgetting his presence, a faint smile lingering on her lips.

As he resumed his promenade through the bustling market, the doctor's departing words reverberated in his mind: "Find the one who put you here. Only she can save you now." Who did the doctor refer to? His judge? Or perhaps his ex? Memories returned to him in a flood, pain he hadn't felt in years gripping his heart. He struggled to push it all back...

Within moments, the man quickened his pace down the aisle, the past fading from his focus. His gaze perception had burned his neck with an uncontrollable urge to look behind him. At the aisle's far end stood the attendant who had previously scrutinized him, flanked by two armed sentinels. Her index finger was pointed squarely in his direction.

The guards started moving toward him, and for two long seconds, the man stood frozen in place. Then, he pivoted and fled. Yet, what started as a sprint soon devolved into a brisk walk. His legs failed to respond as effectively as memory served, and his breath grew constricted. Evidently, workouts in confinement hadn't prepared him for such exertion.

Midway down the aisle, his body's demands to stop intensified, prompting him to steal a glance over his shoulder. The guards were closing in, rounding the corner with accelerated determination. His escape bid seemed destined for prompt termination.

Then, deliverance. Emerging from a booth to his right, a shadowy figure intersected his path.


The old man obeyed, or perhaps succumbed to gravity's pull.

Moments later, an ear-splitting roar engulfed the space.

Distopian Market panel 5
50 Years Later series cover
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50 Years Later

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An old man enters a distopian world after spending fifty years in jail. Seeking justice and redemption, he slowly uncovers the truth of what happened to him ... and what has happened to the world.
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