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Pirates Always Run From Responsibility panel 1

Book 1: The Rebirth of the Aztecs

Chapter 6 Part 4: Pirates Always Run From Responsibility

A polite tap on the porthole saved the pirate from the final latch in the trap. He supposed the old farmboy was getting more jaded by the day. Why shouldn’t Drake say yes and marry a drop dead gorgeous babe who makes bikinis cry with the force of her assets, and enough skills to keep any ship a float when she wasn’t gutting freaks in their sleep? The honor bound golden boy who joined the Royal Ranger Marines wouldn’t have hesitated to make his Baron eat his words and marry Beatrice that night ending all this political turmoil the Black Hound’s bachelor antics were causing. The pirate captain Drake however, hesitated.

The marine had a beaming extended family desperate for grandchildren with already married siblings and cousins aplenty. A beautiful plot of landing waiting for him since childhood overlooking the ocean, and a familial tradition of hard men crushing their enemies like the stones in their names. What did Pirate Captain Drake have to offer, but pain and loneliness on the high seas when their antics finally led their lucky ship on the rocks? There was no future with a man of no nation for a woman with nothing.

Still, the honorable thing to do was to get her some asylum back home, or safe passage to New Rhodesia with the share of the profits even if she wanted to stay on the fancy tub, but Drake didn’t want that either. The Pirate Captain in him said it was for the crew with her unique skills and connections that allowed them to run a fancy diver cruise ship front for their operations, but he knew the real reason deep in his gutt.

Like as not, Drake was plain tired of sacrificing what he wanted for the “greater” good or nation and God and all that. What had he gotten for his sacrifice, but losing everything the marine had sacrificed for? A sheep dog running with the wolves didn’t go hungry for the sake of the shepherds who kicked him out. Drake wanted that first officer in his cabin, God forgive him, and while he was stuck in this world keeping his crew alive and to retirement he was going to enjoy himself darn it. She wanted to stay so she stayed even if that was the worst thing for her.

Drake waved an acknowledging hand at the house guard who had knocked while pointing a thumb over his shoulder at the looming airship bay doors opening like the maw of an elder god consuming the hope in the world. Thank all that was holy business was back on. All this personal introspection caused by a playboy war fanatic was highlighting the hypocrisy hiding underneath Drake’s own bed, and that was one responsibility he intended to keep at arm's reach for a while longer.

“You’re more lost than I thought boy!” Laughed the Baron who stood up, and slapped his favorite pirate captain so hard the old marine in him straightened stiffer than a private on parade.

“When you find yourself again both your Baron and your little lady will be waiting, and even your father one day I think,” the Black Hound said over his shoulder as he shattered the calm with a slap on the door releasing the seal, and letting a rush of wind, screaming engines, and squealing party goers assault their senses.

“Fat chance,” thought Drake as he followed the tank sized noble out of the cabin. In an instant both redheads were thrown over both of the Baron’s shoulders. A trained eye wouldn’t have missed the holster under Lady Charleene revealing dress, but most would be looking at other more pleasant sights the show was putting on display.

Was the man having way too much fun? Yes, the Baron was, but the Pirate Captain didn’t miss the fact that no one was looking at the strange grimm faced ne’er-do-well following close behind the chaos. Give the man credit, the Black Baron knew how to make sure every eye was on him and no one else which was useful when you were covering for clandestine meetings.

In a moment every jacket was flying and every dress was pulling its best Marylin Manorow impression as the hovercraft coasted into the waiting mouth of the beast. The bay was large, but that much wind had to go somewhere. Soon there was a deathening maelstrom churning the air as the doors closed behind them. Slowly the ear splitting screech of fan and machine faded as the hovercraft sank into its moorings next to two catwalks and a few other specialized vehicles that were three parts business and one part luxury.

This was the Baron’s ride so rather than the usual sparse military accommodations of the rest of the fleet there was a literal red carpet with gold trims covering the catwalks and a chorus of fountains with naked statues, all female of course, lining the main walkway into the heart of the airship. Like the palace ships of Nero, but packing way more heat in the business end with enough guns and missiles to flatten half a small kingdom. That part wasn’t going to be on the guests minds today though. This was the afterparty, and the Baron led the way charging up the stairs with the twin redheads squealing and laughing in his arms.

Drake smirked at the sight of an inquisitor pretending to be a party girl one last time before starting his business. They were generally more dire and dreary in their operations thanks to their training and occupation. Practicality though, made them put on whatever hat their Kingdom needed to preserve her shores. Somehow the pirate didn’t think he was going to get the party girl treatment from the Inquisition that the Baron was enjoying.

It didn’t take long for Inquisitor Lancerman to confirm Drake’s suspicions. A flash of the robs and holy arms meant for the slaughter of the unholy and the witch in a side corridor that opened on smooth hinges confirmed the continued cloak dagger of the operation. This passage was not part of the standard design of the battlecruiser airship model they were all partying in. It wasn’t standard even for a souped up version like The Hammer of Heaven. Most Barons didn’t mix their business and pleasure so thoroughly. The Black Hound would make a private secret passage just for this kind of thing. That was just the kind of theatrics his favored Inquisition enjoyed after all.

Trying not to roll his eyes Drake sauntered in, and closed the door behind him. It wasn’t lost on the pirate captain that there was a perfect closed seam that was hidden by the hanging vines crawling off the walls of the bay further pushing the flying, floating, and submersible villa vibe they had on the public side of the ship. Couldn’t get out or in that way without knowing the key and trick to the door. If Drake knew the Inquisition the door was probably blessed by high ranking and pure brothers of the cloth to disallow the use of spiritual warfare against their cloak and dagger affairs as well as technological gizmos for the more mundane natural espionage threats. The men had all of their bases covered as expected by those devoted to the destruction of evil infiltrating the Golden Kingdoms.

“It’s been a long time Drake. I see piracy suits you,” Drake smiled at the sound of a voice from his childhood that both chilled him to his bones, and put a warm blanket of nostalgia over his mind. Inquisitor Lancerman had that effect on people. After all, either he was the last voice you were ever going to hear in this mortal toil, or he was there when you needed him most. In this case he also happened to be Drake’s Uncle, and since the younger Stoneman was still alive the pirate figured he wasn’t here to collect that honor killing his father had promised Drake after his shameful display at the court marshall. The Pirate Captain’s lucky day.

The Story Will Continue Every Monday

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Pirates Always Run From Responsibility panel 6
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Diary of a Postwar Pirate

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It’s thirty years after World War Three. The world has changed. Borders have shifted, nations have died, empires have crumbled, and now new peoples and kingdoms have risen to take their place. In the midst of the upheaval Drake Stoneman finds himself discharged from the Republic of Catalina’s Royal Ranger Marines, and soon chooses a life of piracy. Stoneman soon finds that business is good for a man with his skill set. However, after being hired by an aging Aztec warlord to recover a prize from an abandoned old world facility Drake will discover if he still has enough patriotic blood left to save his people against the rising Death Cults and reforming Aztec Empire. Will the Republic of Catalina survive her infancy, or be just another kingdom lost to the dried bloodshed of history?
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